On November 1, 2018, GOAABA presented a complimentary CLE featuring guest speaker, A. Michelle Jernigan, Esq. of Upchurch Watson White & Max Mediation on the topic of: “Negotiating Around Through Minefields and Mediation.” Ms. Jernigan provided invaluable information on how to prepare for negotiations that occur in the mediation process for practicing attorneys. The CLE was hosted by United Against Poverty Orlando Center; attached is a picture of the event (from left to right: A. Michelle Jernigan, Esq., Michael Andriano-Esq, Ani Rodriguez-Newbern, Annie Kwong, Leia Leitner, Onchantho Am, and Jill Davis Simon.) And, on November 3, 2018, GOAABA hosted a family friendly event to volunteer at the United Against Poverty Center by providing groceries to people in need. Keeping along with the volunteering train, GOAABA also volunteered at the Youth Enrichment and Senior Services (“YESS”) Center where its members provided the elderly members of YESS with advice on wills, trust, and probate law. On November 5, 2018, the law firm of Nelson Mullin Broad & Cassel hosted GOAABA’s members at the Magic v. Cavalier’s game where the members got to enjoy each other’s companies, invited other members of voluntary bar associations to join, and it was a great night because the Magic won; attached are pictures from the event. To kick off the holiday season, on December 5, 2018, GOAABA had its Holiday Party at Dragonfly Robata Grill & Sushi, where many of its past presidents and previous board members caught up with the current members, and made donations and toys to IMPOWER, a non-profit mental health and child well-being organization; attached are pictures from the Holiday party. Next on tap, on December 9, 2018, GOAABA is having its holiday dinner with the Youth Empowerment and Support Services (“YESS”) Organization at Kobe where one of our Board Members, Avita Samaroo, Esq., will be presenting a CLE on auto accidents and how to use a smart phone at the event. ...
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