New Officers and Board of Directors Sworn In for 2011-2012 – Orlando – June 30, 2011
Board of Directors 2011-2012
Magistrate Linh Ison (far right) swears in the new Board of Directors for 2011-2012 at Terrace 390 on June 30, 2011 (L to R): Don Nguyen, Donna Hung, Stephen Chong, Lisa Gong, Sunny Hillary, Kim Nguyen and Jessica Hew. (missing from picture: Wanda Reas and Agnes Chau)
Four officers and three at-large directors raised their right hands on June 30, 2011, and were sworn in for the 2011-2012 term. General Magistrate Linh Ison recited the oath of office to new President Jessica Hew, President-Elect Kim Nguyen, Secretary Sunny Hillary, Treasurer Lisa Gong and Directors-At-Large Stephen Chong, Donna Hung and Don Nguyen. Two other Directors-At-Large who were not present, Agnes Chau and Wanda Reas, will be sworn in on another date.
President Jessica Hew presented an appreciation plaque to outgoing former president Glenn Leong. The short ceremony at Terrace 390 in the Bank of America building was followed by free appetizers, drinks and a lot of sozializing among GOAABA members and guests. GOAABA’s fiscal year and most directors’ terms run from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012.